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At Branding Science, we are more than just consultants; we are your guides leading you across the landscape of the pharmaceutical world.

The state of pharma brand planning

The state of pharma brand planning

Brand planning is a vital but much maligned part of pharmaceutical marketing.    All too often, it’s seen as a chore, a box ticking exercise, or something to get done and move on from. The reality couldn’t be further from this!   In a recent webinar, Branding Science...

Why do we ask doctors to predict the future when humans can’t?

Why do we ask doctors to predict the future when humans can’t?

The pharmaceutical insights industry has used fundamentally the same questions for a long time in our research to support pipeline decisions and planning. Questions like: How likely are you to use this product? What percentage of patients would you use it for? Is it...

Immutable laws of brand planning

Immutable laws of brand planning

You might find this controversial, confirmatory or somewhere in between, but here are our 10 immutable ‘laws’ of pharmaceutical brand planning: 1. Most teams see brand planning as a chore Team members have other things to do (or that they would rather do) and brand...

How insights can improve the clinical trial experience

How insights can improve the clinical trial experience

Clinical trials play a pivotal role in the development of new pharmaceutical treatments, but they are not without their challenges.    In a recent webinar, Branding Science Director Chris Recaldin and Senior Director Andrew Cavill shed light on the challenges that the...

Watch our webinar: The state of pharma brand planning

Watch our webinar: The state of pharma brand planning

Watch our recent webinar!  Brand planning is a vital but much maligned part of pharmaceutical marketing.  All too often, it’s seen as a chore, a box ticking exercise, or something to get done and move on from. The reality couldn’t be further from this!  Branding...

Reframing patient journey: New perspectives and implications

Reframing patient journey: New perspectives and implications

In the dynamic world of pharmaceutical development, understanding the patient journey is a pivotal aspect of creating a successful and impactful brand and commercial strategy.  In a recent webinar, entitled ‘Reframing patient journey: New perspectives and implications...